Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Hello all. Happy new year and whatnot.

Pleasantries aside, I was thinking about writing more blogs this year. I wasn't making a resolution, mind you. Let's clear that up right now. Resolutions are all bullshit.

I was just wanting to write more things. More stuff, if you will. (I know, I'm a poet with words. Suck it.) More blogs, actually. I've been writing skits and sketches lately that I've kept private, which have successfully helped me prevent writing anything here.

Anyway, I was just going to put this out there to ask any of you (all five of you) for suggestions of topics to write about. If you want me to address anything (save for politics and other boring shit like that) that you enjoy or detest, let me know. Just leave a comment at the end of any of the previously written blogs on what you think I should write about. In the meantime, I'll continue to come up with my own stuff. But at least this way there will be more accountability as far as posting more blogs.

So there you have it. I'll cater to your needs, much like an attentive lover. And if I don't know anything about what you suggest, I'll see how well I can fake my way through it.

Take care!

- The Bean


Bear and the Boy said...

I think you should write about what Diane Keatons pussy would taste like after it's been soaking in a hot tub filled with apple juice all day.

I'm sorry, that's horribly inappropriate

I meant her VAGINA.

Anonymous said...

what would happen if the fox network created a magic the gathering reality tv show staring italian geriatric contestants?

Anonymous said...

good thing you're writing more blogs you were in danger of losing your spot in my favorite places. and, i think you should write about the mariners.