Friday, February 29, 2008

The Strangest Things I Have Ever Eaten

Okay, so after all the shit talk that came about based on the last two blogs, I feel the need to bring myself down a peg to two.  Certainly I talk a lot of shit whenever there's any type of food that I find to be gross.  However, I'm not exactly innocent when it comes to indulging my own strange cravings.

So here then is a top six list of all the strange foods that I have eaten over the years.  I was gonna go with a top ten list, but I happen to think they're totally overrated . . . Also, I couldn't come up with ten things.  So suck it.

6.  Whey protein powder - (but not by itself.  mixed with a fruit smoothie)  I don't happen to think this one is too weird as it is vanilla flavored and smells like cake batter.  However, this isn't something that normal people do, so I felt it necessary to include.

5.  Milk and pizza - Not mixed together weirdo.  I would have a glass of milk to accompany any type of pizza.  Awesome.  I used to do this regularly.  Sue me.

4.  Part of a blended muffin  - (In my own defense, this was actually Jamie's idea)  We blended a blueberry muffin with a little bit of milk (I think).  This shit sat so heavy in my stomach, that I actually think I pooped  a little during my first sip.  It's debatable though.

3. Lucky Charms with Mountain Dew instead of milk - Freshman year of college.  It was early in the morning and the combination of my laziness coupled with my MacGuyver-like ingenuity gave birth to a horrible horrible breakfast experience.  I thought it would be passable.  I was wrong.  Don't do it.

2.  A glass filled with the following items: Mt. Dew, mashed potatoes, gravy, an orange creamsicle, milk, brownie, and some salt and pepper to taste - To answer your question, yes, it was on a bet.  And to answer your second question, yes, the bet was my idea.  Don't judge me.

1.  A grilled cheese sandwich dipped in ketchup - Come on, I had to throw that in there.  Just to prove a point.  All of the other things on this list I ate willingly.  With that crap sandwich, I was resistant up to and including the point when I took the first bite.  So there's that.  

Cheese + ketchup = cheese and ketchup flavored vomit.  

- The Bean


Bear and the Boy said...

Haha, you had a sip of my muffin, and it was list worthy. BOOYA! Still not the single worst thing I've consumed, but def. top three.

Anonymous said...

haha awesome list

6. "smores" flavored pop tarts.

    these are fucking horrible

5. grilled cheese + ketchup


4. eggs + ketchup

    i hated eggs growing up until trying them with ketchup after making fun of my dad for years for eating them this way.

3. black sturgeon caviar

    australian+russian roommate had his parents send it to him and he was raving about it. it sucked.

2. mustard + nutra-grain cereal
bar (apple-cinnamon).

    i think i was being a wise ass about how mustard goes on anything right before i ate this.

1. cow eyeball taco at a TACO KART in TIAJUANA MEXICO.

    wow that was the worst bet ever. what did i win? a free cow eyeball taco. and also explosive diarrhea.