Monday, February 25, 2008


Okay fine.  I lost.  big deal.  To the three people that unknowingly supported my utter disgust in the whole grilled cheese/ketchup debate (Kristy, Lindsay, Dani).  You guys rule.

As for the rest of you (save for Russ who apparently likes to put his sandwiches inside of people), I thought I knew you.  I thought you were my friends.  And I'm not mad at you because you didn't agree with me.  I intentionally made it unclear as to which side I was supporting.  I'm just disappointed that the lot of you would chose to do something so absolutely horrifying to ruin a perfectly good sandwich.  

Hey, I've got an idea for all you sick asses that like cheese and ketchup.  Why don't we take some string cheese, put it inside a hot dog bun, and then slather that with ketchup?  You people sicken me.

Okay okay, I take it back.  I'm speaking out of frustration and anger that I lost this bet which I was so absolutely sure about.  I can't stay mad at you people.  Okay so who wants to cuddle?

I suppose losing the bet isn't ALL bad.  Fortunately I suck at making wagers, so I'm pretty positive that no tangible thing was even being bet.  Therefore, I didn't really lose anything.  We'll just call this one a test run.  But next time . . . . next time people when I give you a choice between two things, please do your best to chose the one that isn't gross and doesn't inexplicably taste like fish sticks.

You all are sick.

-  The Bean


Bear and the Boy said...

Hey hey hey, whoa there nelly. Big talk coming from a man who had a gallon sized bucket of whey powder every few months for three years. Settle down there. PS, I find it funny that on your first post, you said "Best of the first 11 responses wins", but only 10 responses were left...funny and tragic. Like abortion! I'm sorry, too soon?

Unknown said...

hahaha. awesome dude. yeah, i remember that. and after you brought it up, i also vaguely remember the situation with the grilled cheese and ketchup and giving you shit about it. though i think i managed to strike most of it from my memory.

one thing i definitely remember is the blending of the blueberry muffin. actually, i think that should be a blog all on it's own. it's done.

and about the 10 comments thing, that's what i assumed would happen. The person i was betting said best of 11, and i warned them it would probably take more than a week to get those kind of numbers as only about ten people read the blog regularly. awesome. at least it's double digits i guess. =)

Anonymous said...

speaking of sick i distinctly remember freshman year one morning when we ran out of milk and you decided that a suitable replacement in your cereal (lucky charms?) would be mountain dew.

i made a partial list of things to put in cereal after milk:

1. water
6. goat milk
96. pepto bismol
97. mt. dew

Unknown said...

god dammit! okay, apparently, i chose the worst group of people to pose this question to.

all ex-roommates should be prohibited from commenting on this matter.

though, aaron, your list does look pretty accurate.