Why Does it Hurt So Bad?
So I hit my knee on a table at work today. After my initial reaction of wishing the world would just implode in on itself, I began to wonder what the hell would make something so seemingly insignificant hurt so garsh darn bad.
Now, I'm not a medical doctor but I kinda figure I'm basically as smart as one. Whatever I may lack in book smarts, I more than make up for with an eagerness to make a fool of myself and a monumental set of balls. Seriously, sometimes they barely fit in my underpants. I feel the need to qualify that last statement with "sometimes" only because I don't always wear underpants (ladies?)
However, ridiculous intelligence and grapefruit sized cajones (which I'm told is spanish for "brains") aside, I should get back to the matter at hand . . . . or knee if you wanna be that jackass that thinks it's funny to take everything too literally. Choke on something already.
So I get home and bust out Wikipedia and my old Milton Bradley Operation game. After conducting some extensive research (I never made his nose light up ONCE! (I found that it helps to take out the batteries)) I discovered that all naked, red nosed fat people have a bucket of water beneath their knee! Who knew!? After finding out this nearly unbelievable medical fact, my detective-like instincts kicked in. I quickly did a Wikipedia search for "bucket" and was brought fact to face with the following search results:
" . . . Bucket? . . . Seriously? . . . You typed 'bucket' into our search engine? Really? Do you even have opposable thumbs? Don't answer. We hope . . . no, we PRAY that your retarded sloth of a cat somehow climbed onto your desktop and accidentally mashed out the word 'bucket' on your keyboard. Because, so help us, if it was really you that did a search for the word 'bucket' of all the stupid ass words in the world, we will see to it that you never reproduce or ever achieve true happiness. Good day sir."
And I'm gonna be honest with you. It hurt. Emotionally. It hurt about as much as being hit in the fucking knee. So then I thought, maybe when you bump your knee, the hurt you're actually feeling is more of an emotional hurt as a response to you even beginning to ponder why hitting your knee could possibly hurt so much that it could make you want to drop kick a chinchilla. I don't rightly know because, as I said before, I'm not a doctor. I'm just unreasonably smart. So much so, in fact, that if you were to paint a picture as a metaphor to represent my intellect, it might resemble something along the lines of a ninja pimp magician jump kicking a planet into smaller more manageable pieces.
What does that even mean, you ask? I don't have any idea. My knee still really hurts and I think I may be delirious. Good day to you sirs.
- The Bean
3 years ago
Are you on something, because this is the single most nonsequitor riddled blog I've ever read....and I loved it.
yeah...what Jamie said...
I can't believe the callousness of your so-called "blog". How dare you make fun of the kneely injured. This is a serious medical problem that afflicts hundreds if not tens of hundreds or even thousands of people worldwide. I don't know what the world is coming to, but the internet has got to go. You should be highly ashamed of yourself!!
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