Okay, so after all the shit talk that came about based on the last two blogs, I feel the need to bring myself down a peg to two. Certainly I talk a lot of shit whenever there's any type of food that I find to be gross. However, I'm not exactly innocent when it comes to indulging my own strange cravings.
So here then is a top six list of all the strange foods that I have eaten over the years. I was gonna go with a top ten list, but I happen to think they're totally overrated . . . Also, I couldn't come up with ten things. So suck it.
6. Whey protein powder - (but not by itself. mixed with a fruit smoothie) I don't happen to think this one is too weird as it is vanilla flavored and smells like cake batter. However, this isn't something that normal people do, so I felt it necessary to include.
5. Milk and pizza - Not mixed together weirdo. I would have a glass of milk to accompany any type of pizza. Awesome. I used to do this regularly. Sue me.
4. Part of a blended muffin - (In my own defense, this was actually Jamie's idea) We blended a blueberry muffin with a little bit of milk (I think). This shit sat so heavy in my stomach, that I actually think I pooped a little during my first sip. It's debatable though.
3. Lucky Charms with Mountain Dew instead of milk - Freshman year of college. It was early in the morning and the combination of my laziness coupled with my MacGuyver-like ingenuity gave birth to a horrible horrible breakfast experience. I thought it would be passable. I was wrong. Don't do it.
2. A glass filled with the following items: Mt. Dew, mashed potatoes, gravy, an orange creamsicle, milk, brownie, and some salt and pepper to taste - To answer your question, yes, it was on a bet. And to answer your second question, yes, the bet was my idea. Don't judge me.
1. A grilled cheese sandwich dipped in ketchup - Come on, I had to throw that in there. Just to prove a point. All of the other things on this list I ate willingly. With that crap sandwich, I was resistant up to and including the point when I took the first bite. So there's that.
Cheese + ketchup = cheese and ketchup flavored vomit.
- The Bean