Monday, September 14, 2009

Post Office, You So Crazy!

I was at the post office yesterday mailing some crack rock and a bomb when I was accosted with an odd inquiry.  It's not like it was even something new, but it's the first time I really paid attention to the question.  It doesn't matter what you're there to purchase or ship at the post office.  You always get asked the same question before you pay.

"Would you like to buy any stamps today?"

Seems harmless enough, right?  Wrong, idiot!  Come with me as I spin you a tale of why this is the dumbest fucking question they could possibly ask you.  You ready?  Here we go.

Let's say you're at the grocery store.  Let's say you've picked up the items that you require and you head to the checkout counter.  You're standing there as the elderly lady in front of you is, for whatever reason, trying to pay by check.  You figure you've got some time so you start to browse the impulse items.  Nail clippers, breath mints, gum, candy, random tiny toiletries, etc.  "Oh," you say to yourself, "I forgot that I was almost out of gum."  So you grab a pack and check out.  Boom, you're done.  It makes sense.  You went to a store that carries a large variety of merchandise, forgot something you needed while checking out, and were reminded of it before you left.  That's nice.

But at the post office?  EVERY SINGLE PERSON that's visiting that building is there with a specific purpose in mind.  They're either mailing a package, picking up a package, picking up their mail, buying boxes, or buying stamps.  That's FIVE things.  If you need to do two of them on the same trip, I'm guessing you can probably keep that stored in your memory bank for the duration of your visit.  It's not like you're gonna get to the front of the line and be like:
"Damn.  Now I know there were two reasons I came here today.  Let's see... I'm holding this package, so I'm most likely here to send it somewhere.  Fortunately I've already written the address out in full.  But the second reason... The second reason escapes me.  Let me run through the list of things I could possibly do inside this building, of which there are only five... ...Nope, no idea."  
"Would you like to buy some stamps?" the clerk asks.
 "Holy shit, you've done it!" you exclaim.  "Can you dive back into your crystal ball and tell me how to now exit these premises?  ...What's that you say?  The same door I came in?  What kinda wizard...?"

I guess my main point is that I think it's unnecessary for them to ask you.  They've surrounded their little work area with piles of stamps which should be enough of a reminder.  And if that visual subtlety doesn't key your brain into your checklist of post office needs, you probably shouldn't be mailing things to people.  Seriously, someone's gonna get hurt.

Thinking more about it, I'd be willing to bet they ask you that as more of a retaliation than anything else.  Think about it.  How many times in a given day do you think someone walks in there, hands them a package, and says something to the effect of "Yeah, uh, I'd like to mail this." as though the clerk is unaware of what their own job is?

  ...Come to think of it, that's exactly what I did yesterday.  ...Dammit.  It would appear as though I've brought this upon myself.  

Touché post office lady.  Touché.


Bear and the Boy said...



Bear and the Boy said...

Nah, I'm just kidding. Astute comical observation