Friday, June 19, 2009

Huzzah for Bragging

So in the past year or so, every once in a while I've submitted a little one or two line joke to the College Humor website.  They have an article called "105%" where each week they pick what they think are the best submissions and post them for all the world (or the few hundred or so people that frequent their site) to see.  You don't get anything for being picked other than whatever satisfaction you feel comes with it.  For me, it's a lot.  So here's all the stuff I've submitted that has made it, in no particular order.

- They say knowledge is power, but what if you know you're a pussy?
- They say chicks dig scars, but try telling that to the last six women I've stabbed.
- Every camera is disposable if you're apathetic enough.
- Life must suck for people legitimately selling tickets to gun shows.
- Words to Live By:
     Other houses
- I dropped acid for the first time last week.  It wouldn't have been so bad had it not been on my lab partner's foot, and had I not been so high on mushrooms.

I think that's all of them.  Some are more inspired than others, and most are inappropriate because, hey, that's what makes me laugh.  I'll just keep plugging away because every little bit of self esteem helps.  

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